Why am I seeking this office?
We are about 53 weeks from the opening of the 69th Triennial Conclave of the Grand Encampment in Salt Lake City, Utah. I hope that many of you will make plans to attend, because we have a lot of important work to do. As I write this message, the Masonic Membership System tells me we have 1199 Voting Members of the Grand Encampment, if history is correct, we’ll have about 25%-30% of those attending. That means the future of the Grand Encampment is placed into the hands of about 300-350 Sir Knights. Every single one of you has an important voice, and I encourage all who can do so to attend.
The common question I am asked is simple: “Why are you running for Deputy Grand Master, and not Grand Captain General?” That’s a fair question, and over the next few emails, I hope to give you all the answer you are seeking.
When I decided to put my name forward for the Grand Encampment line, it was to run for Grand Captain General. It was after the events of March 2022 that I was approached by some distinguished Sir Knights to consider running for the office of Deputy Grand Master. When asked, I was highly cautious. Frankly, there hasn’t been a contested election for an occupied office since the early days of the Grand Encampment, before the practice of a single term for the Grand Master became the norm. However, our Order is different today than it was in August of 2021. After much prayer, as well as conversations with my wife and trusted friends and brothers, I accepted the challenge and began to plan for that effort, culminating with my formal announcement this past May while attending the Grand Commandery of California conclave.
I believe that our leadership team needs to be one where the lesson of the Entered Apprentice degree is firmly shown as “those who can best work and best agree.” Right now, when one objectively observes our elected officers together, there is certainly a lack of agreement and cooperation. Some place personal comfort and desires ahead of the duties of their office–failing to attend business sessions, departing events early, offering only cursory remarks and platitudes when asked to speak. We deserve leaders who will speak clearly with a unified message, demonstrate that they are present at our events to be participants, work with us in and out of the Asylum to seek solutions to concerns and build upon opportunities, and yes, model for us not only godly lives, but how to “best work and best agree.”
I have not traveled to every Grand Commandery in order to seek “endorsements” because I believe this is an example of poor stewardship. The voting members of the Grand Encampment are not sent specifically as “representatives” of their respective jurisdictions with orders to vote in a particular manner, but to listen and participate in the deliberations of the Conclave and vote for the good of the Order. Yes, the thoughts and input from their jurisdictions are important, but voting members, as pointed our in the Grand Master’s message in the June 2023 Knights Templar magazine, are free to vote as they choose best. This does not mean that I don’t desire to be with and meet each of you and learn from you. Indeed, I would greatly enjoy those opportunities and conversations. When I can attend regional events, like department conferences, educational programs, or ritual festival, I do everything I can to attend, provided my work and family life permits. Of course, you will see me at Easter in Arlington/Alexandria, Virginia, and the 69th Triennial Conclave. I also can reach many more of you by email and, soon, mail and videoconferencing, which are much better uses of our time and resources.
I believe the key duties of the Deputy Grand Master include supporting and promoting the priorities and programs of the Grand Encampment and Grand Master, as well as preparing to assume the mantle of leadership in the following Triennium. As an experienced leader with over 30 years of experience in working with for-profit, not-for-profit, and governmental organizations, I bring the skills necessary to successfully serve you and the Grand Encampment faithfully. As an active Freemason for over 40 years and a Knight Templar for almost 40 years, I understand the unique opportunities and issues facing our Fraternity. In serving as your Grand Prelate for three years and traveling across the Grand Encampment the past two years extensively, I have come to know many of you and been able to identify candidates with the potential to serve the Grand Encampment in leadership roles, should I be elected to serve you as Deputy Grand Master and then Grand Master. I am comfortable discussing our three great charities–the Eye Foundation, the Educational Foundation, and the Holy Land Pilgrimage–and am a supporter of all three with my time, talents, and treasures. I have studied organization development, leadership, and not-for-profit management. In short, I bring the tools and experiences necessary to assume this important role.
Over the next few weeks, I will share additional thoughts regarding the role I seek and where we, as an Order, are and can be. I thank you for your support, and ask for your vote when we gather in Salt Lake City in August 2024.